I'm 5 months pregnant with severe dry cough. My gyne recommended me Syp Roundic c but it didnt helped me. This is my second pregnancy, first one was c sec. My stitches hurt so badly when I cough
Can I use piriton I have too much cough I am a nursing mother due to high cough em getting itching & pain type in the stitches I also used lozenges and acefyl syrup but still I have the same situation?
Had C-sec 6 months ago. And facing severe hair fall from last month. I'm a nursing mother and baby is exclusively breastfeeding. One more thing I'm not taking any iron or calcium supplement.
I have these spots on my hands and back. There is no itching or any other irritation but it is spreading now. I have these on one hand for 4-5 years in a very small area so I didn't bother. but now it's spreading.
I am a hypothyroid patient. How many chances are there that any of my babies can have this disease too? Should I take my 1.5 year old daughter for the test or is too early
Suffering from lower back and neck pain can you tell me about chiropractor whether I should consult one(or this is just quackery) if yes then guide me where to find in islamabad.
My husband is feeling itching on legs and arms and back whenever he takes bath when in summer or winter both seasons(Hot or cold both waters) He is facing this for very long time. Once a time one skin specialist suggested me some cream which stopped my itching but now I completely forgot cream name. Is some skin specialist recommend some good cream? His issue is not very serious but this itching becomes irritating sometimes for him.
I keep getting tonsils, and its very painful to swallow, last year in Ramadan I completed a whole course of antibiotics to overcome this, but it again appeared after a year, please help me with this.
Salam my 9-year daughter is suffering from itching in her vagina she is down syndrome and taking thyroxine by doctors advice kindly suggest what can I do.
My 21 month boy didn't pee for almost 15 hrs on Sunday, He was peeing very less that day. Took him to the Dr. he advised for urine test & prescribed him cran max & bonaq. But he is not drinking cranmax, I want to know what can I mix it in & give it to him? Secondly, he is active, alhumdullilah. But he touches his private part, he doesn't have pain cause I'm cleaning him. And reason for not passing urine?
1 year baby boy not gaining weight Weight is already below the average of his age Do not eat much. On breastfeed. Please tell me what should I do?
Gynae's please suggest, what to take to boost energy level when you're having a heavy bleed during periods. P.s Bad cramp pains are happening, Fatigue, tiredness, and dizziness.
My appointment is scheduled with the doc for the next week. I am 6 weeks pregnant. However, I have been trying to eat but all I eat is a very little amount of snacks/fruits. I am unable to eat roti or chicken/ beef item. In case, if I consume any food instead of snack and fruits I start feeling vomiting or I feel too full. I am much worried about my baby because the calories in my total diet per day are too less! What to do?
Aoa I'm 35 years & weight 85 my uric acid is high 6.6 I am taking homeopathic urac tab once a day am avoiding allopathic what home remedies can be done to lower the level I feel pain in foot & hands
I'm suffering from pain in my legs especially in heels I can't walk properly in the morning but it becomes ok by the end of the day when I keep walking , so I had a glucose test from glucometer at home the results were 118 at fasting and after 2 hours of taking food it was 113 I'm also feeling dizziness, blurred vision problems 1st I thought it was due to more screen usage now without my glasses I can't see things clearly. What precaution should I take?
I'm a little worried mom of a 1 year baby girl suddenly she has started rejecting her feeder since starting she was on combination feed bf and formula but now she is completely rejecting feeder she is neither taking from a cup what can I do to make her drink milk? Or any other alternative?
As my marriage is expected in 3 months kindly suggest me a good whitening cream with no side effects. I'm 25 but the skin is not as tight as it should be.what is the reason? I've visited many doctors they prescribed me multivitamins and it didn't work. (i have combination skin.) Food supplements like perfectil and Biotin are good for skin? Do they have any side effects in long terms?
My baby is 2 years old. After delivery, I got swelling in legs, especially under knees. I did nothing for it, and it reduced but persisted. but now in ramadan, swelling under knees has increased. can you people please guide me what is the actual problem? and what sort of tests I should get done? me having Hypothyroidism and few vitiligo spots. Sometimes continuous headache and body heat up even I walk a few steps within a minute.
My Penis Cap is dry, Cause ittatching and Some time buring sensation. I fell very Uncomfortable with this Condition and want permanent Solution. I dont know which Doctor to I consult with urologist, Skin specialist or Sexologist. Need Help
My baby is 19 months old. The problem is that he does not eat anything, only drinks milk after 6 hours and does not eat anything in between. Also, he has sores on his tongue. And severe constipation too. Please recommend me something for his hunger so that he starts eating everything. I'm much worried as day by day he is getting weak.